Family Plan CTA Banner

Don't miss another month of savings.

A family membership includes one account that covers up to five (5) individuals that reside in the same household, including a spouse, dependents and pets. You will receive a single-family card, linked to the account, which can be used to fill prescriptions and shop for a variety of health and wellness products. Additional adult family members living in the same household, like a parent or grandparent, can also be included.

ValueScripts digital subscription card
Family Membership
Per year, plus taxes
  • Savings on brand name prescription medications.
  • Savings on generic prescription medications.
  • 20% discount on regular priced, non-prescription private brand products including: Rexall®, Be Better®, Nosh & Co®, Kit®, Rose & Robin®, and Savvy Home®.

Currently available at Rexall Drugstores located in British Columbia and Ontario only.

Sign up and begin using Rexall ValueScripts immediately for savings on Brand & Generic prescription medications.

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